Wednesday, May 19, 2010


In just 3 short days, John and I are headed 'over the pond' to beautiful Italy for vacation. This will be John's 3rd time visiting the country, but I'm an Italy neophyte.

I'm ridiculously excited and wholly unprepared all at the same time. There's still so much to do - find the power adapters, convert some $$ into €, finish studying the guide books, figure out how to pack my entire closet into one suitcase while still leaving room for the 50 lbs of wine, cheese and clothes I plan on returning with.

We'll be staying primarily in Florence, but are planning a few trips around Tuscany, for which I've rented a car that I believe was designed for a hobbit. I've never driven in a foreign country before (Canada doesn't count), so I'm a little nervous. Plus, like most cars in Europe, it has a manual transmission and I haven't driven a stick in years. Couple all this with the notoriously crazy driving of Italians and I'm pretty sure this could all end in some sort of international incident.

I'll be sure to take copius notes (I've already purchased a brand new moleskin notebook for the occasion) and will chronicle all our adventures here when we return. See you in June, internet! Buena fortuna!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Two Truths and A Lie

Last month my book club read the classic novel "Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger. I'd never actually read it as a teenager. It wasn't required in any of my English classes and I was too busy reading Stephen King and John Grisham to worry about the ramblings of a depressed, silver-spooned teen boy in the 1940's.

But the book isn't really the point of this post. This is about the game we were supposed to play at the meeting called 'Two Truths and A Lie". If you've ever been to summer camp or in a sorority, you've probably played this game before. The name pretty much sums it up. You tell 3 things about yourself. Two of them are true and one of them isn't. Then everyone else has to guess which one is the lie. We were supposed to focus on stories from our teen years, since Holden Caulfield was sixteen (I think?!?!) in the book.

I say we were "supposed to play" because we didn't actually end up doing it. All but two of us forgot and no one wanted to try to make things up on the spot. Instead, the two that had actually done their BC "homework" told their stories and we guessed which were lies (I picked the wrong one both times). Then we just spent the next half hour or so telling stories from our teen years. Stories of parties and boys and car accidents. And its funny that even though we all grew up in different towns with different friends and different families, the stories were all pretty similar.

So, since I didn't tell my two truths and a lie at book club, I decided I'd play it with you, internet! Here we go....

Story A - My junior year, my date ditched me in the middle of the Sadie Hawkins dance to go over to another girl's house. He even premeditatively left his car at the school earlier in the day so he'd have an easy getaway.

Story B - My junior year I broke the school track & field record for Triple Jump and went to the state championships.

Story C - I was a terrible swimmer and would fake illness or injury every time we had to swim in gym class.

So, internet, which is the lie?