Wednesday, May 19, 2010


In just 3 short days, John and I are headed 'over the pond' to beautiful Italy for vacation. This will be John's 3rd time visiting the country, but I'm an Italy neophyte.

I'm ridiculously excited and wholly unprepared all at the same time. There's still so much to do - find the power adapters, convert some $$ into €, finish studying the guide books, figure out how to pack my entire closet into one suitcase while still leaving room for the 50 lbs of wine, cheese and clothes I plan on returning with.

We'll be staying primarily in Florence, but are planning a few trips around Tuscany, for which I've rented a car that I believe was designed for a hobbit. I've never driven in a foreign country before (Canada doesn't count), so I'm a little nervous. Plus, like most cars in Europe, it has a manual transmission and I haven't driven a stick in years. Couple all this with the notoriously crazy driving of Italians and I'm pretty sure this could all end in some sort of international incident.

I'll be sure to take copius notes (I've already purchased a brand new moleskin notebook for the occasion) and will chronicle all our adventures here when we return. See you in June, internet! Buena fortuna!

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