Last night I received the following text message:
"<> Fraud Department needs to speak with you about activity on your account. Please call XXX-XXX-XXXX ASAP."
Its a message you hope you never receive. But its also a comforting message. It feels good to know that my credit card company is looking out for me. (Well, really they're looking out for themselves, too, but we'll pretend its all about me.)
I hadn't lost my card, but someone had still gotten hold of my card info somehow and went on a little online shopping spree. Well, the shopping spree of an anti-social, basement-dwelling, Code Red-drinking teenage boy at least. EVERY SINGLE fraudulent charge (and there were quite a few) was for Gamefly and Marvel Entertainment.
So thank you, Credit Card Company, for recognizing that I had not taken a sudden interest in Captain America or launching an epic Halo 2 campaign.
Side Note: I'm so unfamiliar with the comic book world that I had to go to to find out which comic book characters were actually theirs. On the site you can search characters by category (Heroes, Mutants, Villains, etc). But the best category of all........Canadian. Really, Marvel?!?!?
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
I Canoed 18 Miles Against a Head Wind, and It Sucked
Last month, John and I (and by that I mean mostly I) organized a canoe trip down the Fox River. We modeled the weekend (and by modeled I mean stole every detail) after a trip we went on last year with a bunch of people we didn't know. We had a great time last year and figured we'd have even more fun if we went with all of our friends.
Overall the weekend was a spectacular success of camping, drinking, canoeing, drinking, board games, and drinking. There are way too many great stories to tell them all here, but lets just say the highlights involve roasted marshmallow in places it should never be found, John falling out of the canoe in a most graceful fashion, and one of the most intense games of Apples to Apples I've ever played. Here are a photo that doesn't even begin to show how fun it all was....

Sunburn - Check! Unexplained Scraped Knee - Check! Lack of Shower in 2 days - Check!
But all good times must come to an end, and that end was Sunday. Since John and I had only does this once before, the exact details of the trip were fuzzy. We remembered that one day you had to canoe farther than the other, but didn't remember which day that was. So we set off Sunday expecting a short, leisurely day on the water - maybe 2-3 hours.
The first thing to go wrong was that there was a strong head wind against us the whole time. No more taking it easy and floating the river for us! The next thing was when lunch time rolled around and the designated lunch spot was no where in sight. John was convinced we'd accidentally passed it. I feared something much worse.....that this was the LONG canoe day and we were still not even to the 1/2 way point yet. My fears were confirmed a hour or so later, when I heard John say "Oh, F&#K." Yep, there it was. The spot we were supposed to stop for lunch. But it was already 2:30.
My despair - along with the dirty looks from the rest of the group - grew as we came around bend after bend and we still hadn't reached the end point. Then finally, SIXTH AND A HALF HOURS after we first launched our canoes that morning, we arrived at the end. Or so I thought.......
Turns out I had rented canoes from a different company that was still ANOTHER MILE down the river. As you can imagine, this did not win me any points from the rest of the group. In fact, I think they were all sketching out what kind of Jackie Voodoo Doll to make when they got home. That is if they could still use their hands with all the blisters they'd developed from rowing all day.
We did finally make it to the right drop off spot, caught our ride back to camp, packed up our things and drove back to the city. And surprisingly, everyone is still speaking to me. I think next year we'll just have one day of canoeing.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
I'm Still Here
Hi, Internet. Sorry I've been away for awhile, but I'll try to get back to a more regular posting schedule.
Right after my last post we had some sad news and crappy times around the McCloskey household. It is what it is and I don't want to go into it on the World Wide Web right now, but we're working through it and looking toward the future.
Instead, let me catch you up on the good stuff we've been up to this summer......
1) We attended a couple of family weddings in TX and had a great time at both.
2) We saw The Rescue Me Comedy Tour with Denis Leary and were underwhelmed (with the exception of Adam Ferrara). Dear Denis, You will never replicate the awesomeness that is "Asshole", please stop trying to sing your standup.
3) We saw Rush in concert with friends at Summerfest in WI over 4th of July weekend. They rocked. We were drunk.
4) I played possibly the hardest round of mini golf ever during a corporate outing. What course doesn't included barriers so your ball doesn't roll down the hill and onto another green?!?! Needless to say, the scoring was less than legitimate.
5) I saw Counting Crows at Ravinia with a friend and was thoroughly confused. Since when did they get a rapper and about 15 extra musicians? And why was Adam Duritz singing backup on half of the songs?!?!? This was not the Counting Crows of my college years.
6) I began riding my bike to work a couple of weeks ago, which means I'm now one of those insanely annoying bikers that zooms by you at 15mph while yelling "ON YOUR LEFT!!!".
7) We celebrated several birthdays, engagements, and new babies with our wonderful group of friends.
What's up next....
1) The 1st Annual "Booze & Canooze" camping and canoe trip, organized by yours truly. I'm so excited and will be sure to tell you all about it when I get back and sober up.
2) We're heading to TN for our 2nd anniversary to watch Oregon - AKA The Best Team in All the Land - take on John's boys, the Univ. of Tennessee Volunteers. (Stay tuned for what I'm sure will be a rivalry & alcohol filled recap.)
3) DAVE MATTHEWS BAND AT WRIGLEY FIELD!!!! (Yes, this requires all caps.)
4) More birthdays, babies and celebrations with the people that continue to invite me to things for some inexplicable reason.
Thanks to everyone for the support over these last couple of months. Stay tuned for more regularly scheduled lunacy!
Right after my last post we had some sad news and crappy times around the McCloskey household. It is what it is and I don't want to go into it on the World Wide Web right now, but we're working through it and looking toward the future.
Instead, let me catch you up on the good stuff we've been up to this summer......
1) We attended a couple of family weddings in TX and had a great time at both.
2) We saw The Rescue Me Comedy Tour with Denis Leary and were underwhelmed (with the exception of Adam Ferrara). Dear Denis, You will never replicate the awesomeness that is "Asshole", please stop trying to sing your standup.
3) We saw Rush in concert with friends at Summerfest in WI over 4th of July weekend. They rocked. We were drunk.
4) I played possibly the hardest round of mini golf ever during a corporate outing. What course doesn't included barriers so your ball doesn't roll down the hill and onto another green?!?! Needless to say, the scoring was less than legitimate.
5) I saw Counting Crows at Ravinia with a friend and was thoroughly confused. Since when did they get a rapper and about 15 extra musicians? And why was Adam Duritz singing backup on half of the songs?!?!? This was not the Counting Crows of my college years.
6) I began riding my bike to work a couple of weeks ago, which means I'm now one of those insanely annoying bikers that zooms by you at 15mph while yelling "ON YOUR LEFT!!!".
7) We celebrated several birthdays, engagements, and new babies with our wonderful group of friends.
What's up next....
1) The 1st Annual "Booze & Canooze" camping and canoe trip, organized by yours truly. I'm so excited and will be sure to tell you all about it when I get back and sober up.
2) We're heading to TN for our 2nd anniversary to watch Oregon - AKA The Best Team in All the Land - take on John's boys, the Univ. of Tennessee Volunteers. (Stay tuned for what I'm sure will be a rivalry & alcohol filled recap.)
3) DAVE MATTHEWS BAND AT WRIGLEY FIELD!!!! (Yes, this requires all caps.)
4) More birthdays, babies and celebrations with the people that continue to invite me to things for some inexplicable reason.
Thanks to everyone for the support over these last couple of months. Stay tuned for more regularly scheduled lunacy!
Booze and Canooze,
Dave Matthews Band,
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Italy Part 2 is coming.........eventually.
I know you're all waiting with baited breath for the next installment of my tales from Italy, but we've had a bit of a disruption here at I Am Lady J (dot) com. Its been a rough couple of weeks for us, but we're recuperating and I hope to be back to bemusing you with my wacky antics soon.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Tales from Italy - Part 1
My first story from vacation isn't technically about Italy at all. Its more about how totally airheaded* but also incredibly lucky I can be sometimes. I'm not joking, y'all. I have done some pretty stupid things over the years, but things have always worked out somehow.
Example #1 - I left my entire wallet in a bar in Little Italy in NYC the night before I was scheduled to fly home. Money, identification, credit cards. All of it lost. Luckily I noticed it was missing the same night and high-tailed it back to the bar where, even luckier still, a kindly stranger had found it on the ground and turned it into the bar completely intact.
Example #2 - I dropped my cell phone at Lollapalooza two years ago and noticed it was missing halfway through Kanye West's performance. After using John's cell to call my phone repeatedly for about 30 minutes, someone answered and was kind enough to meet me by the food booths and return it to me.
And that brings me to my most recent blunder......
We arrived at O'Hare for our flight and I handed my passport to the ticketing agent.
Her: "I'm not finding any reservation under 'Lane'."
Me: "No, the last name is McCloskey."
Her: "Well, your passport says 'Lane'."
Me: "............"
That's right, internet. I hadn't updated my passport since John and I got married almost 2 years ago. It hadn't even crossed my mind. How was I going to take a trip to and from Italy (with connecting flights in Frankfurt, Germany) with a passport that didn't match my ticket? As you can imagine, this was going to be a problem.
Her: "Do you have a copy of your marriage certificate?"
Me: "Oh sure. Let me just get out the framed copy I carry around with me everywhere."**
I tried calling the third-party ticketing service I had used to buy the tickets, but they said there was nothing they could do from their end. The airline could update my name on their flights, but that risked cancelling out my connecting flights with another airline in Germany. Finally, the ticketing agent was able to get approval from her superior for me to go through with the unmatching name. We'd just have to see what happened in Frankfurt for the connecting flight and when we tried to return to the U.S. ten days later.
And guess what happened, internet?!?! Nothing. It turned out to not be an issue at all. They didn't even check my passport on the connecting flight to Florence. And both times on the way back we simply showed the ticketing agent our passports, explained the situation, they decided we didn't look to terroristy***, handed us our tickets and sent us on our merry way.
*I don't think this is an actually a word, but its the best one I can think of.
**I did not actually say this to the very nice ticketing lady. Sarcasm never got anyone brownie points with a customer service rep.
***I know! Again with the made up words!
Example #1 - I left my entire wallet in a bar in Little Italy in NYC the night before I was scheduled to fly home. Money, identification, credit cards. All of it lost. Luckily I noticed it was missing the same night and high-tailed it back to the bar where, even luckier still, a kindly stranger had found it on the ground and turned it into the bar completely intact.
Example #2 - I dropped my cell phone at Lollapalooza two years ago and noticed it was missing halfway through Kanye West's performance. After using John's cell to call my phone repeatedly for about 30 minutes, someone answered and was kind enough to meet me by the food booths and return it to me.
And that brings me to my most recent blunder......
We arrived at O'Hare for our flight and I handed my passport to the ticketing agent.
Her: "I'm not finding any reservation under 'Lane'."
Me: "No, the last name is McCloskey."
Her: "Well, your passport says 'Lane'."
Me: "............"
That's right, internet. I hadn't updated my passport since John and I got married almost 2 years ago. It hadn't even crossed my mind. How was I going to take a trip to and from Italy (with connecting flights in Frankfurt, Germany) with a passport that didn't match my ticket? As you can imagine, this was going to be a problem.
Her: "Do you have a copy of your marriage certificate?"
Me: "Oh sure. Let me just get out the framed copy I carry around with me everywhere."**
I tried calling the third-party ticketing service I had used to buy the tickets, but they said there was nothing they could do from their end. The airline could update my name on their flights, but that risked cancelling out my connecting flights with another airline in Germany. Finally, the ticketing agent was able to get approval from her superior for me to go through with the unmatching name. We'd just have to see what happened in Frankfurt for the connecting flight and when we tried to return to the U.S. ten days later.
And guess what happened, internet?!?! Nothing. It turned out to not be an issue at all. They didn't even check my passport on the connecting flight to Florence. And both times on the way back we simply showed the ticketing agent our passports, explained the situation, they decided we didn't look to terroristy***, handed us our tickets and sent us on our merry way.
*I don't think this is an actually a word, but its the best one I can think of.
**I did not actually say this to the very nice ticketing lady. Sarcasm never got anyone brownie points with a customer service rep.
***I know! Again with the made up words!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
In just 3 short days, John and I are headed 'over the pond' to beautiful Italy for vacation. This will be John's 3rd time visiting the country, but I'm an Italy neophyte.
I'm ridiculously excited and wholly unprepared all at the same time. There's still so much to do - find the power adapters, convert some $$ into €, finish studying the guide books, figure out how to pack my entire closet into one suitcase while still leaving room for the 50 lbs of wine, cheese and clothes I plan on returning with.
We'll be staying primarily in Florence, but are planning a few trips around Tuscany, for which I've rented a car that I believe was designed for a hobbit. I've never driven in a foreign country before (Canada doesn't count), so I'm a little nervous. Plus, like most cars in Europe, it has a manual transmission and I haven't driven a stick in years. Couple all this with the notoriously crazy driving of Italians and I'm pretty sure this could all end in some sort of international incident.
I'll be sure to take copius notes (I've already purchased a brand new moleskin notebook for the occasion) and will chronicle all our adventures here when we return. See you in June, internet! Buena fortuna!
I'm ridiculously excited and wholly unprepared all at the same time. There's still so much to do - find the power adapters, convert some $$ into €, finish studying the guide books, figure out how to pack my entire closet into one suitcase while still leaving room for the 50 lbs of wine, cheese and clothes I plan on returning with.
We'll be staying primarily in Florence, but are planning a few trips around Tuscany, for which I've rented a car that I believe was designed for a hobbit. I've never driven in a foreign country before (Canada doesn't count), so I'm a little nervous. Plus, like most cars in Europe, it has a manual transmission and I haven't driven a stick in years. Couple all this with the notoriously crazy driving of Italians and I'm pretty sure this could all end in some sort of international incident.
I'll be sure to take copius notes (I've already purchased a brand new moleskin notebook for the occasion) and will chronicle all our adventures here when we return. See you in June, internet! Buena fortuna!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Two Truths and A Lie
Last month my book club read the classic novel "Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger. I'd never actually read it as a teenager. It wasn't required in any of my English classes and I was too busy reading Stephen King and John Grisham to worry about the ramblings of a depressed, silver-spooned teen boy in the 1940's.
But the book isn't really the point of this post. This is about the game we were supposed to play at the meeting called 'Two Truths and A Lie". If you've ever been to summer camp or in a sorority, you've probably played this game before. The name pretty much sums it up. You tell 3 things about yourself. Two of them are true and one of them isn't. Then everyone else has to guess which one is the lie. We were supposed to focus on stories from our teen years, since Holden Caulfield was sixteen (I think?!?!) in the book.
I say we were "supposed to play" because we didn't actually end up doing it. All but two of us forgot and no one wanted to try to make things up on the spot. Instead, the two that had actually done their BC "homework" told their stories and we guessed which were lies (I picked the wrong one both times). Then we just spent the next half hour or so telling stories from our teen years. Stories of parties and boys and car accidents. And its funny that even though we all grew up in different towns with different friends and different families, the stories were all pretty similar.
So, since I didn't tell my two truths and a lie at book club, I decided I'd play it with you, internet! Here we go....
Story A - My junior year, my date ditched me in the middle of the Sadie Hawkins dance to go over to another girl's house. He even premeditatively left his car at the school earlier in the day so he'd have an easy getaway.
Story B - My junior year I broke the school track & field record for Triple Jump and went to the state championships.
Story C - I was a terrible swimmer and would fake illness or injury every time we had to swim in gym class.
So, internet, which is the lie?
But the book isn't really the point of this post. This is about the game we were supposed to play at the meeting called 'Two Truths and A Lie". If you've ever been to summer camp or in a sorority, you've probably played this game before. The name pretty much sums it up. You tell 3 things about yourself. Two of them are true and one of them isn't. Then everyone else has to guess which one is the lie. We were supposed to focus on stories from our teen years, since Holden Caulfield was sixteen (I think?!?!) in the book.
I say we were "supposed to play" because we didn't actually end up doing it. All but two of us forgot and no one wanted to try to make things up on the spot. Instead, the two that had actually done their BC "homework" told their stories and we guessed which were lies (I picked the wrong one both times). Then we just spent the next half hour or so telling stories from our teen years. Stories of parties and boys and car accidents. And its funny that even though we all grew up in different towns with different friends and different families, the stories were all pretty similar.
So, since I didn't tell my two truths and a lie at book club, I decided I'd play it with you, internet! Here we go....
Story A - My junior year, my date ditched me in the middle of the Sadie Hawkins dance to go over to another girl's house. He even premeditatively left his car at the school earlier in the day so he'd have an easy getaway.
Story B - My junior year I broke the school track & field record for Triple Jump and went to the state championships.
Story C - I was a terrible swimmer and would fake illness or injury every time we had to swim in gym class.
So, internet, which is the lie?
book club,
high school,
Sadie Hawkins,
Track and Field
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