Tuesday, April 13, 2010

372 Months

Yesterday I turned 372 months old. (That's 31, for those of you that aren't Good Will Hunting. Or have a calculator nearby.)

In years past, you would have been hearing about this for weeks.* Regular reminders and countdowns and what-not leading up to what I usually managed to stretch into a full birthday week, if not birthday month. But something weird happened this year. I just couldn't get myself psyched up when John or others mentioned it or asked me what I wanted.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm not one of those people that dreads getting older or lies about their age. I guess I just feel that after the 30th birthday, only the changing of decades really garners much hullabaloo.** You know, 40, 50, 60, etc. I mean, is there really much difference between 36 and 37? No so much. And to add to the lack of enthusiasm, my birthday fell on a Monday this year. Basically the worst day of the week to celebrate anything.

So yesterday was pretty much like any other day. I went to work and forgot my cell phone at home. Then had yoga class, where I managed to tweak my neck. (To which my mom very helpfully pointed out, "Maybe a 31-year old shouldn't be doing headstands." Thanks, Mom!) Then John and I walked the dog, made dinner and watched 24.

For those of you 20-somethings, take a look at your future birthdays. This is it. So party it up now.

That's not to say I didn't do ANYTHING. I still managed to do a little celebrating on Saturday, which I'll share with you now. Because thats the kind of generous person I am.

The Rock Wall
I started the day by tackling another goal on my Life List. I wanted to get certified to climb the rock wall at our gym. I won't go into detail, because I'll post a separate story later. Lets just say there are pictures. And bruises. And wedgies.

That night we had dinner at this little Greek BYOB in Lincoln Square with some of my closest Chi-town friends. Large quantities of saganaki, lamb and wine were consumed and a great time was had by all.

John Baked a Cake
When John asked me what I wanted for my birthday this year, I told him I wanted him to make me a birthday cake and decorate it. This wouldn't seem like a large request, except that John has never baked anything in his life. (Not counting a different kind of baking he did in college.) Again, separate post to follow.

After dinner we headed to a nearby bar and proceeded to try to rid them of their entire premium draft supply. Lucky for everyone, I forgot to get out my camera for this portion of the night.

I'm so lucky to have such generous and thoughtful friends and family. John once again was a gift-giving rockstar and got me an awesome cast iron skillet that I can't wait to use! And I'm so loaded up on beautiful jewelry and spa gift certificates from everyone that I feel like a Kardashian.

And thats about it! Thanks to everyone that has sent me birthday wishes and helped me celebrate my continued existence! I love you all!

*I realize this blog didn't exist in years past. I'm older, not dumb.

**God bless Google for helping me spellcheck the silly words I like to use.

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